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The Jenny Position Episode 127: Flash’n Back- Aaron George

Originally published on The Jenny Position, this episode of Talk'n Pop is part of the Flash'n Back series right here on NoSo! I will be sharing these intermittently throughout the year to relive some of my favorite shows. Enjoy!

Last time, we reset, but now the hotseat is BACK: it's the return of the Talk'n Pop interview! Cultured sophisticates Jenny and Tim boldly welcome noted thespian and celebrated playwright Aaron George to the show as a true bucket list guest. And no quarter was asked, no quarter given for the Quebecois superstar who divulges all! While our discussion is centered on Aaron's... shall-we-say, dramatic vocation, it proves to be a whirlwind journey in true TnP fashion.

To no great surprise, we also landed squarely in some existential musings, exploring the supposed nobility of pursuing one's passions, goal fulfillment, and what comes next when you've got a lot of living left and ambition to spare. We were positively delighted to talk all this frou-frou bullshit with our friend Aaron and proud to share that conversation with you!



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